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Wubbanub | Lovey


Make playtime with baby even sweeter with the WubbaNub Plush Lovey. WubbaNub Plush Loveys are the familiar first friend that baby will recognize from the WubbaNub family of friends. Whether at home or on the go, the WubbaNub Lovey serves as a security blanket to provide comfort, familiarity and companionship.  Perfect gender neutral gift idea.

A Wubbanub is often one of a baby's first friends in life, and we are humbled to become a part of your family.

Safe Sleep Habits for your little one:
When putting baby to sleep, “nothing in the crib but baby”. For sleep time, remove all plush, plush attached to pacifiers, loveys, toys, stuffed animals and decorative items. For more information about safe sleep, visit

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